This day has been created to celebrate all things bees – and we are totally here for it!
Campaigners across the world have asked people everywhere to take more care and help to protect the special insects that do so much for us!
Did you know that 1/3 of the world’s food production is dependent on bees?
After giving up his hobby of rugby 4 years ago, Nu Group owner Mark chose to dive right into a new hobby that could help him give back to the planet. With his newfound knowledge and passion for bees, pollination and honey, Mark has been able to grow his number of colonies to 21 and rising!
Mark has shared his knowledge with Nu Group and we believe that we have the means to make a difference in these insects lives. We now recycle materials from events to use in our apiaries, to make bee stands, hive bases and roofs!
Through caring for the bees, Mark has also started to produce his own Nu Honey! Making sure that the bees are happy and healthy ensures that the honey is not produced in a harmful or toxic environment.
Bee populations are at risk of extinction with climate change and pollution threatening their way of life.
This year’s theme through #worldbeeday is ‘Bee Engaged – Build Back Better for Bees’ – bringing focus to help restore, support and enhance the role of the popular pollinators during a testing time of covid-19.
There are a variety of ways that we can help the bees and better their way of life;
• Planting bee friendly plants such as lavender, summer squash, white clovers and many more in your garden can help the bees retrieve the pollen they need.
• Leaving a small section of your grass untrimmed can allow bees the space they need for warmth and shelter when they are unable to fly home.
• Create your very own bee home that can help home many bees – using any chunk of wood you can find, drill some holes and then fitting with shingles and a backboard and it is as easy as that!
• A small dish filled with little stones/pebbles and an a small amount of water can help a bee get water when they are thirsty.